My experience at Feria de Abril was AMAZING! I felt as if I was transformed into a completely different era. My first encounter with this holiday came immediately after I arrived back in Sevilla from a weekend trip to Portugal. I got off the bus and was immediately hit by the smell of horse shit. This is normal in the city center and famous park “Maria Luisa” because there are carriages that run daily to take tourists around the city, but never outside the main tourist area. When I look up I realize there are old vintage carriages and men in top hats driving carriages drawn by horses decorated with braids and jewelry everywhere. It was beautiful. All around us were beautiful Spanish women dressed in traditional flamenco dresses, adorned with flowers on their head and beautiful shawls with intricate designs draped over their shoulders.
April Fair or Fera de Abril to Spaniards is primarily in Sevilla, Spain. One of the many unique things that I was able to experience as a student in Sevilla. The holiday is famous and unique festivals. It takes place a few weeks following Easter and lasts for an entire week.
Throughout the week, part of the city is transformed into a fair with thousands of pretty lights and tents called “Casetas” which are owned by individuals, families, organizations, companies, etc. You are to be invited as they are private gatherings to be shared in groups. There are also public Casetas where you can enjoy dancing, music, and food. The whole week is filled with colorful parades, performances, dancing, and beautiful people.
Luckily, my school had many Flamenco dresses donated so girls could choose from the collection to wear during Feria. I was able to snag a beautiful dark red traditional dress. I chose to pair the simple dress with a gold shawl and gold flower. I felt as if I was appreciating the culture closely as my host mother helped me get dressed. My friends and I went to the Plaza and took pictures. Afterward we walked toward the fair and enjoyed bailar (dancing) all night long!